I Can Do That! is a small team of friendly Mentors/Advisors supporting local residents who wish to improve their lives.
We can help you with mental health issues, increase your confidence/motivation, choose a career direction, train you in employability skills and even plan daily routines and nutrition to help you achieve your goals. We offer 1:1 tailored appointments to suit individual needs.
We cover Torbay, Teignbridge, Exeter and South Hams.
Established since 2011, we have an extensive range of local knowledge and contacts which we use to assist our customers journey wherever possible. All staff are fully trained and qualified, receiving on going training to ensure you get the best service possible.

What We Offer
Want help to find a job?
We are very experienced in all employability skills with local employer contacts and a unique Interview Technique that is proven to work!
Want help with mental health issues?
We have a qualified therapist offering NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), working closely with local NHS services to ensure all therapies are aligned. We then support this work with a 1:1 mentor to guide your lifestyle changes and ongoing improvements.
Need a lifestyle overhaul?
We understand the importance of a routine and good nutrition to support good mental health and happiness. You would be surprised at the impact those changes can have
Stuck for career direction?
We have the skills to pick out your best attributes and match them with your perfect job role. If you are happy in your work, it is a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning!
We have a range of services to assist you on your journey, these services could be free of charge depending on your circumstances. Please see below for an explanation of funded projects and chargeable services.
Survive & Thrive
A 1:1 mentoring provision offering up to 13 weeks of support (2hrs per week) to work on issues caused by the Cost of Living crisis, housing, employment or debt advice. Available to all Torbay residents over the age of 18.
To apply for support contact Amanda on [email protected] or 01803 201332.
Focus Forward
A 1:1 mentoring provision offering weekly support to assist 25-64 year olds who are economically inactive to move towards or into employment, improve skills, learn digital skills or remove barriers such as debt/housing/mental health.
To apply for support contact Amanda on [email protected] or 01803 201332.
Multiply Torbay
1:1 support to improve numeracy life skills such as budgeting, crafts, cooking (measurements) with a view to preparing for formal numeracy qualifications or employment. Open to anyone in Torbay over the age of 19 who has not yet achieved a level 2 in Maths or feels they need to improve their numeracy life skills.
It All Adds Up
A multiply project for the Devon area offering 1:1 support to improve numeracy life skills such as budgeting, crafts, cooking (measurements) with a view to preparing for formal numeracy qualifications or employment. Open to anyone in Devon over the age of 19 who has not yet achieved a level 2 in Maths or feels they need to improve their numeracy life skills.
DPS Provisions (DWP)
We run various provisions for the DWP to support people om a 1:1 basis to remove barriers to employment or progress towards employment. These provisions are referred into by Jobcentre work coaches.
We have funded counselling sessions available across Devon for unemployed people who feel mental health is a barrier to employment. Each person can have up to 8 sessions either face to face in Torquay or remotely.
Debt Advice and Support
We are a registered CMA Debt Advice centre working in affiliation with Community Money Advice. This means we can offer debt advice alongside any of our services/provisions to remove the need to sit on a waiting list for debt support.
Contact us about any of the provisions on offer

Meet The Team

Amanda Moss – Director/Business development/NLP Therapist
Lynda Wheeler – Director/ Contracts Manager
Malcolm Randall – Director/Mentor
Heather Champion – Mentor
Megan Williams – Mentor
Joss Jones – Mentor
Mark Maunsell-Thomas – Mentor/Counsellor
Tom Watt – Mentor
Liz Hickey – Mentor
Tamsen English – Mentor
Angela Wren – Mentor
Zoe Morrice – Mentor
Jo Cheng -Mentor
Vanessa Osborne – Mentor
Joanna Cassidy – Mentor

Contact Us
Our Main Office
1-2, Castle Circus House
3rd Floor
136 Union Street
Tel: 01803 201332
To contact us via online services please use the form below.


“What a brilliant service! A big thank you, it’s such a good service I cannot compliment you enough”
“I would (and have) recommend I Can Do That! to anyone”
“Very helpful and everything was explained very clearly. Was given a lot of help with CV and computer”
“I have been unemployed for some time now and I do believe with your help I will find a vacancy somewhere. An excellent service!”
“I feel like I am getting REAL help in a relaxed and constructive environment”
“I didn’t feel rushed and all my questions were answered”
“I came to the training with no confidence, afraid of a computer, and not knowing anything about computers. The course was really good and the tutors very patient and kind and did not treat you like an idiot. I can now send and receive emails, add attachments and watch the I Player all through doing this course. Thank You!”
“I would (and have) recommend I Can Do That! to anyone”
Customer GDPR Expectation
ICDT is a member of the Information Commissioners Office and can be trusted to handle your personal data in line with GDPR requirements. We will only request the data we need to help you and all data will be securely processed and stored until destruction. You can request the data we hold on you at any time and you have the right to have the data removed or report any concerns directly to the ICO if you feel we have not dealt with your concerns.
A full GDPR policy detailed customer expectations can be requested from any member of staff.